Distribution network
Oertli commits itself to the Berneck location in Switzerland. It is here that ideals and innovations come to exist, and here that our devices and instruments are developed and manufactured. To ensure our products can be used in the whole world, we rely either on our own distribution companies or independent distribution partners, depending on the relevant region. In every case, our ophthalmology customers throughout the world can count on competent and reliable contact persons. They offer excellent on-site service, can inform and advise you on our entire product range and have been perfectly trained for work with our products.
United States Distribution
Oertli Instruments Inc.
2125 Center Avenue, Suite 507
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024 USA
T +1 833 463 7854
F +1 201 302 6062
Find your local contact person quickly and easily.

AD Médica Groupe
Mr. Ali Dahal
Cité Djenane El Afia, N°14, Birkhadem
Phone: +213 23 54 47 30
Email: admedica1963@yahoo.fr
Advance Vision
Mrs. Pamella Bertholo
R. James Joule, 65-12° andar - Cidade Monções
04576-080 São Paulo - SP
Phone: +55 (11) 99794 4141
Email: pamella.bertholo@advancevision.com.br
Website: https://advancevision.com.br/faros/
Alraqi medical supply company LTD
Dr. Ziad El Bakoush
Executive Director
63 Shatt St. Zawyat Dhahmani Area
Phone: +218213403797
Email: ziad@alraqi.ly
Amedoph Chile S.A.
Mr. Luis Alberto Guerra
Avda. Santa Maria 2670, Oficina 307
Santiago Oriente
Santiago de Chile
Phone: +56 2 2481 7430
Email: luigueper@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.amedophchile.cl
Arfamex S.A. de C.V.
Mr. Antonio Rodriguez
Maremoto 53
Col. Jardines del Pedregal
Del. Alvaro Obregón
01900 México, D.F.
Phone: +52 55 51356648
Email: antonio.rodriguez@arfamex.com
Website: https://www.arfamex.com
Ralph Lugbauer
Albert-Schweitzer-Gasse 6
1140 Wien
Phone: +43 1 979 88 44
Email: sales@askin.co.at
Website: http://www.askin.co.at
Tatiana Rozina
15, 5-th Donskoi Proezd
Moscow 119991
Phone: +7 (495) 955 55 62
Email: info@askin.ru
Website: http://www.askin.ru
ASKIN & CO Ldt. Ukraine
Oleg Olyniik
Shchorsa 26
Kiev 1133
Phone: +38 044 279 42 27
Email: oleg_askin@ukr.net
ASKIN & CO s.r.o
Michaela Novakova
Úprkova 1450/11
74101 Nový Jicín
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 556 70 17 82
Email: askin@askin.cz
Website: http://www.askin.cz/
ASKIN & CO spol s.r.o
Lubomir Drahovsky
Martinskà 31
821 05 Bratislava
Phone: +421 2 43 42 01 45
Email: askin@askin.sk
Alexander Tarnogradsky
mkr. Aksai-3, 10/A/28
050031 Almaty
Phone: +7 701 22 11 008
Email: info@askin.kz
Mr. Juan Duran
C/Serrano, no 93
28006 Madrid
Phone: +34 91 284 47 31
Email: jduran@astvisioncare.com
Website: https://www.astvisioncare.com/
Birmingham Optical - Ophthalmology
Sci-Tech Daresbury
Keckwick Lane
WA4 4AB Daresbury, Cheshire
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 345 646 1438
Email: sales@birminghamoptical.co.uk
Website: https://www.birminghamoptical.co.uk/
Mrs. Evelyne Lin
No. 176, Zhongzheng Rd.,
Luodong Township,
Yilan County 26546
Phone: +886 3 9610305
Email: sales@crystal-vision.com.tw
Website: https://www.coneyecrystal.com.tw/
Consultronix Spółka Akcyjna
Mrs. Olga Sarnecka
ul. Przemysłowa 17
32-083 Balice
Phone: +48 12 290 22 22
Email: biuro@cxsa.pl
Website: http://www.consultronix.pl
Device Technologies (Thai) Company Limited
540 Mercury Tower Building, 18th Floor, Unit 1802-3,
Ploenchit Rd, Lumphini, Pathumwan
10330 Bangkok
Phone: +662 0038350
Email: customers.th@devicetechnologies.asia
Website: https://devicetechnologies.asia/country/thailand/
Device Technologies Ltd
Mr. Mark Altman
47 Arrenway Drive,
Albany, Aukland, 0632
New Zealand
Phone: +61 418 219 302
Email: maltman@device.com.au
Website: https://www.device.co.nz/
Device Technologies Pty Ltd
Mr. Mark Altman
1 Garigal Road,
Belrose, NSW, 2085
Phone: +61 418 219 302
Email: maltman@device.com.au
Website: https://www.device.com.au/
Electromed S.A. de C.V.
Mr. José Adalberto Cañenguez
Boulevard Tutunichapa
Cond. Med.328 y diagonal Dr.Arturo Romero
Local No. 16 Colonia Medica
San Salvador
El Salvador
Phone: +503 2564 6554
Mobile: +503 7877 5945
Email: electromedsa@gmail.com
Envision Africa (Pty) Ltd
Mr. James Wright
229 Sidney Road
Nestpark Ext 1
Phone: +27-82-559 7774
Email: james@envisionafrica.co.za
Website: https://www.envisionafrica.co.za/
Filsat Equipamentos Médicos-Cientificos Lda.
Mr. Manuel Barreira
Rua General Humberto Delgado, 99
4425-653 Pedrouços (Porto)
Phone: +351 229 740 120
Email: filsat@filsat.pt
Website: https://www.filsat.pt
Gaspero d.o.o.
Mr. Gasper Krusic
Gmajna 16
1236 Trzin
Phone: +386 1 562 06 07
Email: info@gaspero.si
Website: http://www.gaspero.si
Improsur Ltda.
Dr. Andreas Barragán-Bauer
c/o Andreas Barragán
Av. Ballivián No. 1063
Ed. Horizonte 1er Piso, Of. 104,
La Paz
Phone: +591 2 2795688
Email: gerencia@improsur.net
Website: https://improsur.net
Industrialas Tehnologijas Ltd.
Ms. Ilona Karpova
Brivibas gatve 224 B
1039 Riga
Phone: +371 678 178 11
Email: ilona@industrialastehnologijas.lv
International Medical Distribution Ltd.
Mr. Todor Karagogov
Nayden Gerov 6 str., fl.3, office 6
Sofia, 1612
Phone: + 359 888 130666
Email: todor.karagogov@imd-bg.com
Website: https://www.imd-bg.com
Kavita - Quality Medical Equipment
Mr. Rimas Jakstas
Gamyklos g. 48
89104 Mazeikiai
Phone: +370 443 65166
Email: rimas@kavita.com
Website: https://www.kavita.com
Laboratorios Retina SA
Mr. Juan Alberto Diez Z.
Cra. 33, No. 7A-78
Apartado 62248
Phone: +57 (4) 316 6500
Email: jadiez@retina.com.co
Website: http://retina.com.co
Laméris Ootech BV
Mr. Marco Erenstein
Da Vincilaan 7
6716 WC Ede
Phone: +31 30 600 8711
Email: Marco.Erenstein@ootech.nl
Website: https://www.ootech.nl
Leaderskr Co. Ltd.
Mr. Young Chul Hwang
601 Yangji Bldg II
118 Seocho-daero, Seocho-gu
06664 Seoul
South Korea
Phone: +82 2 719 2040
Email: sales@leaderskr.co.kr
Lumibird Medical Nordics AB
Mr. Pascal Fernandes
Metallvägen 20
43533 Mölnlycke
Phone: +46 31 97 79 40
Email: pascal.fernandes@lumibirdmedicalnordics.se
Website: https://www.lumibirdmedicalnordics.se/
Lumibird Medical Nordics Oy
Mr. Pascal Fernandes
Linnankoskenkatu 32
06100 Porvoo
Phone: +46 31 97 79 40
Email: pascal.fernandes@lumibirdmedicalnordics.se
Website: https://www.lumibirdmedicalnordics.se/
Mandarin Opto-Medic Co. Pte.Ltd.
Mr. Jason Jong
30 Kaki Bukit Crescent
Kaki bukit Techpark 1
416261 Singapore
Phone: +65 6747 8777
Email: jasjong@mandarinoptomedic.com
Website: https://www.mandarinoptomedic.com
Mandarin Opto-Medic Sdn. Bhd.
Mr. Cheng Tean Ooi
No 1 & 3, Jalan Puteri 7/15,
Bandar Puteri
47100 Selangor
Phone: +60 3 80512933
Email: chengtean_ooi@mandarinoptomedic.com
Website: https://www.mandarinoptomedic.com
Mr. Mario R. Bershadsky
Tucuman 2133, 1° Piso, Oficina 7
C1050AAQ Buenos Aires
Phone: +54 4953 5569
Email: mrbershadsky@medsrl.com.ar
Website: https://www.medsrl.com.ar/
Médica del Pacífico S.R.L.
Mr. Jorge Delgado
Calle Barcelona Nº 113
Lince, Lima 14
Phone: +51 421 1770
Email: medipac@medipac.pe
Website: www.medipac.pe
Medicals International Europe Ltd.
Office 101B
2 Amphipoleos Str. & Athalassas Ave.
2025 Strovolos, Nicosia
Phone: +357 22 000 400
Email: news@medicalsintl.com
Website: http://www.medicalsintl.com
Medicals International SARL
Mr. Walid G. Barake
Mansourieh - Blata Area
Barake Building
P.O. Box 90-1585
1585 Beirut
Phone: +961 530630
Email: wbarake@medicalsintl.com
Website: http://www.medicalsintl.com
Medisys Ingeniería Biomédica
Mr. Sergio Basalo
Rimac 1682
11400 Montevideo
Phone: +598 2 619 3278
Email: medisys@adinet.com.uy
MTC Opto-Medic, Inc.
Dr. Cesar Roxas / Ms. Elvie Matundan
3rd For., OHI Bldg., 179 Yakal Street
San Antonio Village
Makati City
1203 Metro Manila
Phone: +63 2 813 1351
Email: sales@mtceyecare.com
NewTech S.p.A
Mr. Luigi Monfrini
Via Grandi 23
20090 Vimodrone (MI)
Phone: +39 02 274 00 363
Email: monfrini.luigi@newtechspa.it
Website: https://www.newtechspa.it
Oertli Instruments Inc.
2125 Center Avenue, Suite 507
Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024
Phone: +1 833 463 78 54
Email: customercare@oertli-instruments.com
Oertli Ophthalmedic Deutschland GmbH
Mrs. Sabrina Kielreuter
Otto-Wagner-Strasse 1
82110 Germering
Phone: +49 89 5500 7333
Mobile: +49 151 1677 4221
Email: sabrina.kielreuter@oertli-ophthalmedic.de
Website: https://www.oertli-ophthalmedic.de/
Oertli Ophthalmedic Österreich GmbH
Mr. Roland Schwärzler
Schwefel 93
6850 Dornbirn
Phone: +43 55 72 22 584
Email: roland.schwaerzler@oertli-ophthalmedic.at
Website: https://www.oertli-ophthalmedic.at/
Oertli Ophthalmedic Schweiz AG
Herr Christoph Stüssi
Täfernstrasse 5
5405 Dättwil
Phone: +41 56 406 42 00
Email: christoph.stuessi@oertli-ophthalmedic.ch
Website: https://www.oertli-ophthalmedic.ch/
OPC Ophthalmic Product Center Ltd.
Mr. János Kitipov
7-9 Bokreta utca
1094 Budapest
Phone: +36 1 456 4063
Email: janos.kitipov@opc.hu
Website: https://www.opc.hu/opc
Ophta-France S.A.
Mr. Erwann Corbel
2, rue Hélène Boucher
35235 Thorigné Fouillard
Phone: +33 2 99 36 32 33
Email: e.corbel@ophta-france.com
Website: http://www.ophta-france.com
Mr. Mahfooz Qureshi
17/C-1, P.E.C.H.S.
Valancia Town
Phone: +92 42 35953991
Mobile: +92 300 8639935
Email: mahfooz.qureshi@optisurg.com
Website: http://www.optisurg.com
PT. Katamata Optomedik
Mr. Setiawan Pratadaja
Komplek Ketapang Indah,
Blok B2, No. 31, JL KH Zainul Arifin,
11140 Jakarta
Phone: +62 (021) 6346 009
Email: ricky@eyes-talk.com
Website: https://www.katamataoptomedik.com
Quality Medical Business
Mr. Ahmed Belhaj
Bloc 3 Essadaka 5 Building
Taib Mhiri Street-Bouchoucha
Bardo 2000
Phone: +216 22 370005
Email: ahmedbelhaj@qmbtunisia.com
Website: http://www.qmbtunisia.com/fr/accueil
Rida S SRL
Mr. Roland Bagossy
20 Sigismund Toduta st.
400699 Cluj
Phone: +40 364 401 983
Email: office@ridas.ro
S. Kormpakis & Co – IOLART
Mrs. Christina Savvidou
Kanari Street 30
Agia Paraskeyi
15343 Athens
Phone: +30 697 813 55 65
Email: iolart.savvidou@gmail.com
Website: https://www.iolart.gr/el/
Servicios Biomedica, C.A.
Mr. Leonel Vecchione
Av. Principal de Boleita Sur con Segunda transversal
Edif. Manona PISO 2
Caracas, Caracas 1071, Distrito Capital
Phone: +58 (212) 640 55 20
Mobile: +58 (412) 259 67 78
Email: info@serviciosbiomedica.com
Website: https://www.serviciosbiomedica.com/
SurgiTox Cia. Ltda.
Mr. David Avilés
Edificio Vipa, Oficina 103
Av. Universitaria OE5-284 y 18 de Septiembre
Phone: +593 (2) 3318 428
Email: surgitox@andinanet.net
Website: https://www.surgitox.com/
Tam An Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.
338/27 Nguyen Dinh Chieu Street,
Ward 4, District 3,
Ho Chi Minh City
Phone: +84 28 66 85 32 41
Email: purchasing@tamanmedical.vn
Tavana Abzar Parto
Mr. Hamid Okhovat
No. 6 , 4th St. Vozara Ave.
Phone: +98 21 8870 7065-6
Email: hamid.okhovat@tavana-abzar-parto.com
Website: http://www.tap-medicals.com
Toshbro Medicals Pvt. Ltd.
Mrs. Shenaz Tamhane
Khetan Bhavan, 2nd floor
198 Jamshedji Tata Road
400020 - Mumbai
Phone: +91 22 43552727
Email: stamhane@toshbromedicals.com
Website: http://www.toshbromedicals.com
Van Hopplynus Ophtalm
Christophe Andre
Rijskweg 10
2880 Bornem
Phone: +32 800 76 773
Email: christophe.andre@vho.be
Website: https://www.vho.be
Vefa Optik ve Medikal
Murat Cebi & Korhan Evren
Halicioglu Mah. Okumusolgu Sokak No.2,
Daire 5, (P.O. box 34445)
Beyoglu – Istanbul
Phone: +90 212 222 86 95
Email: info@vefamedikal.com.tr
Vision Care Co. Ltd.
Ms. Hnin Hnin Aye
86 Hledan Street
Lanmadaw Township
11131 Yangon
Phone: +95 1221 661
Email: visioncarecompany@visioncarecompany.com
Vision Solutions Lanka (Pvt) Ltd.
Mr. Nalaka Wijayasekara
No. 120/10
SLAAS Building
Vidya Mawatha
Colombo 07 - 00700
Sri Lanka
Phone: +94 11 450 2276
Email: nalaka@visionsolutionslk.com
Website: https://www.visionsolutionslk.com
Wimco Medical
Mr. Waleed Mohammad
318 Adedoyin street, Omole Phase 1
Ikeja Lago
Phone: +234 707 349 1403
Email: waleed@wimcomedical.com
Website: https://wimcomedical.com/
Wimco Medical Equipment Enterprises
Mr. Waleed Gardan
Ola Tower Block 41
Kartoum (2)
Phone: +249 9123 15619
Email: info@wimcomedical.com
Website: https://wimcomedical.com/
Wiskey Medical Inc. China
Mr. Shen Zhaocheng
South-608, Jingding Business Center
65 FuRenFang
215005 Suzhou - Jiangsu
Phone: +86 512 671 56258
Email: sales@wiskeymedical.com.cn
May 2024
André Augen Medizinprodukte is changing its trade name into Oertli Ophthalmedic Österreich.
In recent years we transferred our subsidiaries from Switzerland and Germany to the Oertli Ophthalmedic brand. With the renaming of the Austrian subsidiary, we strengthen the new brand and establish synergies to achieve the growth objectives set for the DACH region.
Oertli Ophthalmedic Österreich GmbH will remain, as it has been since 2014, a 100% subsidiary of Oertli Instrumente AG and will continue to offer a comprehensive range of Eye Surgery Essentials. The high quality product range covers refractive, cataract and glaucoma surgery as well as vitreoretinal surgery. Both the site in Dornbirn and the experienced and dedicated team will remain unchanged.
June 2023
From Oertli Deutschland to Oertli Ophthalmedic Deutschland
Founded in 2018, Oertli Deutschland Vertriebs GmbH will operate as Oertli Ophthalmedic Deutschland GmbH from 12th June - the new and strong competence and sales platform in Germany for ophthalmology with important essentials and tailor-made services.
You can look forward to an attractive trading platform. To a motivated and committed team. On exceptional service and professional competence. A broad network and a wide range of opportunities. To a selected product range and quality at the highest level.
Let us make the difference together.
June 2022
In September 2021, we took over the majority of shares in Domedics AG. For three decades, Domedics AG has been one of the leading players in Switzerland for the distribution of products and services in ophthalmology. This purchase is a great opportunity to serve the Swiss market and gain direct market access in the entire DACH region (Switzerland, Austria, and Germany).
As of 1st June 2022, Domedics has turned into Oertli Ophthalmedic Schweiz AG - the trading and competence platform for Eye Surgery Essentials in Switzerland. The Oertli Ophthalmedic product range includes first-class products and customized services for all areas of refractive surgery, from cataract and glaucoma surgery to vitrectomy surgery.
Turning the Swiss subsidiary under the roof of the global Oertli brand is a strategic move. Thomas Bosshard, Co-CEO of Oertli Instrumente AG, says: “Thanks to Oertli Ophthalmedic, we conclude our direct market access to the German-speaking market in Europe. This brings us even closer to our customers. And we offer our suppliers a sustainable and effective platform for the Swiss market.”